Client Onboarding best practices: How to Avoid Clients From Hell
Client onboarding best practices are what will protect you from terrible client experiences like this client story that a client from hell user submitted: Client onboarding best practices & how they work: There are a lot of articles online about attracting their...
Pitching businesses: How Not to Do It
Pitching businesses is something that you'll very, very likely have to do at least once, as a professional creative. And I used to be really bad at it. But the good news is that I learned from my mistakes. Advantages of pitching businesses: A while ago, I wrote about...
Hiring copywriters: a brief intro to working with them
Hiring copywriters can be daunting. Because more and more businesses are doing it. And content production is on the rise. However, despite the rise of content production, not enough people understand the value & process involved in copywriting. Hiring copywriters:...
Guest Posting Wisely: How to Say Yes to the Right Opportunity
Guest posting wisely isn't always easy to do. Because there is a lot of blogs to choose from. But...unfortunately, not enough of them are worth the time and effort. But the ones that are high quality, the really worthwhile ones are very picky about who can write for...
Freelancing Lessons & Insight Based on Three Years of Experience
If you're looking for freelancing lessons and insight I have a lot to share. Because I've done something that not a lot of people have done: Got to year three of the journey. Sure, I feel like there's so much left to learn. But that's been a pretty consistent feeling...
Blogging BeFunky Style: Why it’s good for blogging newbies
Blogging BeFunky style might be a good option for you if... The learning curve and cost of Photoshop are a bit intimidating. Especially if blogging is unexplored territory! Blogging BeFunky Style: What it's like BeFunky is an online photo editor, design tool, and...
The secret to writing a great blog post hook
A blog post hook is what decides if a reader keeps on reading, or hits the back button. But what the heck is it, anyway? There are literally hundreds of definitions of the hook available, but Joseph Finder's definition is the most straightforward. And it goes like...
WordPress Blog Content Mistakes You Might Make
Wordpress blog content mistakes are worth talking about. But why is that the case? Because is the most popular blogging platform, according to And it makes a lot of sense. Because the setup time is minimal and you don't have to be a...
Blogger Networking & How/Where to Pull it Off
Blogger networking will get you in front of the right audience, and maybe even lead to a high-quality, long-term client relationship. Because if you have mutual audiences and mutual goals... Working together will be a win/win situation for: You And the blogger you're...