What are the blogging advantages for small businesses?
The blogging advantages for small businesses aren't easy to spot. Especially if you don't know what you're looking for. Because of a lack of time and resources, some miss out on what a great relationship building tool it can be. A great example of this is a recent...
Why I stopped blogging (for a bit) & the most important takeaway from that experience you’ll want to hear about first
What happens if you stop blogging for a little bit? In the spring of 2018, I found out the hard way.Because I had to stop blogging temporarily… And it wasn’t because of the results I was getting or even the level of engagement. In fact, everything from.. My...
The secret to a remarkable blog launch: Why you need to successfully build relationships with people that absolutely love you
One of the most intimidating parts of your blog launch is the fact that there are millions of blogs on the internet. So far too many businesses prepping for their blog launch, can't help but ask themselves how they're different than everyone else. If that sounds far...
What you need to communicate when hiring a blogger to get great results
Hiring a blogger is all about communication. Because if you're not able to communicate what you're looking for, you'll likely not get the results you're looking for. And I say this for one very simple reason: when I look back at the client experiences that were "not...
Valuable lessons learned from refusing to introduce myself as a writer & how you can see yourself that way in a crowded niche is a surprisingly good idea
I have identified as a writer for as long as I can remember but when I became a professional writer I had to learn a lot quickly about what it took to sell the value of being a writer to business owners. But don't get me wrong, I didn't abandon that idea entirely. I...
How Buffer’s transparency approach changed my life in the best possible way
Transparency is a huge part of Buffer's values and it continues to inspire me to be as open with others as I possibly can. According to Buffer, their focus on transparency boils down to a few different principles: Taking pride in opportunities to share beliefs,...
Costly business blog mistakes that are popular and costing you a sale
Business blogs are becoming increasingly common. Especially in B2B industries. B2B, for those of you who don't know this is the following: Businesses that sell products or service to other businesses. However, some business blogs are getting better results than...
Why I started blogging & how it changed my life
I wanted to share why I started blogging for one, very simple reason: I feel like I've talked extensively about why you might want to blog, (or not start a blog). But the one thing I haven't talked enough about my own personal, motivations behind falling in love with...
How I manage to maintain boundaries in a healthy way with my clients
Do you want to maintain boundaries with your clients? And why exactly is maintaining boundaries so important?I think Copyblogger summed this up perfectly. If you respect and maintain boundaries (more specifically your own), clients will respect yours as well. And...