My journey towards putting community first & why it matters
I'm deeply driven by my desire to be community-focused. In fact, I started my first blog, because I wanted to build a supportive community. Back then, I felt a bit like an outsider. Because there were so few communities I could relate to. So I was determined to build...
How I prepare for/ lead my content strategy sessions
My approach to my content strategy is a direct response to my experiences with my clients. In fact, when I first started freelancing I started off as just a writer. But then I realized that my clients needed a lot more than "just" that. There were key questions to...
How human connection can sell anything better than an ad
Chances are you've seen this approach to selling anything before. And I think a great example of this showed up in an ad on my Facebook Feed recently. The promise was basically this: a course that teaches people how to sell anything without content creation, lead...
Instant gratification is a lie. Here’s what makes content creation successful
Instant gratification is a consistant temptation. But why is this the case? According to Quora Creative, 57% of marketers are struggling to accurately measure the performance of their blog content. This leads to instant gratification rearing its ugly little head. And...
I’m not a lawyer. Here’s how I learned to write my contract.
[ReviewDisclaimer]It started with a demand for my contract. I had just got started writing for a brand that was so large that everyone knew exactly who they were. And so did their mothers...and grandmothers. So, I wanted to make a good impression. I also wanted to...
What I learned from confronting a fear related insecurity about my age
Working around people's fear related insecurities is a central part of what I do. Because when your job is to help people articulate their ideas and connect with an audience fear is inevitable.So, why are fear related anxieties so common?Fear related struggles of...
Cafeteria Monologue: a never before seen monologue I wrote
I republished this post on June 17th 2019 to celebrate 10 years of blogging. It was originally published on February 15th 2010. When this was first published, I was living on campus at York University's Glendon College Campus. Since I didn't have kitchen access, I had...
My blog turned 10 yesterday & how it changed my life (in a good way)
On June the 10th, my blog turned 10, and I'm feeling very reflective. Because when I was a guest mentor on a Twitter chat, I learned something important. A lot of peoples' assumptions about what making money off blogging are misguided. In fact, they assume that it...
How explaining blogging to someone with no internet influenced me
An eye-opening experience for me was explaining blogging to someone with no internet access. Because explaining blogging to a family member that doesn't know what blogging is changed how I sell the value of what I do.Explaining blogging to those who have no experience...