Interview Etiquette For Writers
I remember my first time interviewing someone. Back then I was an intern at Ryerson University's Eyeopener Newspaper, an indie, left- wing newspaper that's unapologetically edgy, and I was only 16 or 17 years old. It was an internship I scored through my high school,...
Lessons In Freelancing Not Everyone Discusses Publicly
Like most people that have taken a risk, for the sake of something they truly care about, I've had to jump through hoops and hurdles for good things to happen, which has taught me some really, really valuable life lessons, that I'm not exactly ashamed of. The day I...
This past month I joined an ambitious, Toronto and Paris based start-up called Lokafy. Lokafy is a rare, refreshing perspective on travel, I don't see or hear about enough. Lokafy is a opprotunity to work with a dedicated, intelligent, competent team of bloggers,...
Then He Held Out His Hand Poetry Anthology
Three days ago I sent my poetry anthology, Then He Held Out His Hand, a side project I've been working on for months to this year's Robert Kroetsch Award For Innovative Poetry. The grand prize is $500 and the manuscript getting published by Invisible Publishing's...
Why Writing Groups Are Fantastic
If you write in any genre or know a writer you're probably aware that it's a very solitary pursuit. There's nothing wrong with that although too much alone time with thoughts is problematic. Also: everyone has their limits on how much alone time they can stand. Some...
What is Dyspraxia?
I've had Dyspraxia my entire life. First of all I require one thing out of you the reader: no pity. When you live 23 out of 23 years of your life with something, and are well aware of the fact that you'll always have to live with it, unless some sort of medical...
Rocky Horror Picture Show First Timer Tips
It's almost Halloween. If you plan to attend the halloween Rocky Horror Picture Show Shadow Cast Screening, especially if you live in Toronto and are going to the Bloor Cinema this blog entry is for you. What is Rocky Horror? Rocky Horror started in 1970s England as a...
Updates, October 2017
You may of noticed the lack of new content. It's been a busy couple of months.The last couple of months have been a transformative journey where I went from being an aspiring writer to a freelance professional getting plenty of work. So, what's new? The answer can be...
Updates and projects, June 2014
Dear readers,I know it's been a while since I've written anything on this blog but I've been too busy slowing launching my writing career to have any time for writing for fun. This post is all about updates. I'm proud to say that I'm only two weeks from officially...