How I Start a Project
When I start a project, I do a surprising amount of reading and listening, more than you likely expect. I listen to what people want, what they're saying about what's important to them, and what they're genuinely proud of. Web writing, more than other kinds of writing...
An introduction to testimonials
If you've ever seen a TV commercial, browsed a company website, or visited review sites such as Yellowpages, Tripadvisor, and Yelp, you've likely seen a testimonials or two before. Chances are your decision to purchase something was influenced by the opinion of...
Understanding the web: an essential skill for all writers
The death of the book is a subject that comes up over, and over again. I find it kind of unsettling that so many writers would rather cling to the old and rather than embrace the new. Let's clear this up right away: I love the print medium. I fell in love with writing...
Learning From the Bad Days, while enjoying the good ones
My idea for this blog post was inspired by the fact that not too long ago I had a not-so-great week. At first, it made me feel like I was doing something wrong, but then I talked it over with a few loved ones that I trust the most, and I had an enlightened perspective...
The “work-from-home” life
When you work from home, your workspace doesn't necessarily have to be home, but it can be (if you want.) Many of my non-freelancing friends assume that working from home either means well.. you guessed it...working from home, or spending every single work day in...
My website is awesome
I'm extremely proud of my website. I did the whole thing myself so that I didn't have to pay a professional web designer to set it up. I set it up about half way through 2015 because I figured that only having a blog wasn't good enough. First of all, I'm not a...
Freelance Fail Days
What the heck is a freelance fail day? No idea? That's okay. I didn't really know either until I read this article. When I read it for the first time the timing was a little weird. I was experiencing something very similar, and I thought I was experiencing either...
The Editing Process
The majority of my work today has involved editing. I'm slowly starting to enjoy the editing process way more than I used to. Now that it's something that I'm studying part-time my appreciation for it is going up. I love how one move can change the meaning, how every...
It’s Family Day!
Oh right, it's family day today. That's one of the parts of freelancing that's the weirdest. Stat holidays don't necessarily determine whether or not you're working. What is Family Day really? A celebration of family maybe? Well....technically yes, formally on...