Do you want to work with a blogger? Here’s what to look out for.
Blogging is the new, cool thing to do because there are numerous benefits. The benefits of blogging include everything from organically driving traffic to your website, to attracting new audiences via social media. Every time you write a new blog post you're adding a...
How to cope with imposter syndrome
First of all, what is impostor syndrome? Impostor Syndrome, according to Forbes involves: Having to live with the nagging feeling of being "found out" as not being talented, or deserving, or experienced, or (fill-in-the-blank) as people think is a common phenomenom....
How to handle your first slow period as a freelancer
A while ago I wrote a guest blog post for Freelancer FAQs on how freelancers can be productive during slow periods. Although I offered a wide variety of tips that many of the readers found helpful, the one thing that I realize is that I didn't talk about how stressful...
Where can I find my next freelance opportunity without using Upwork?
Are you a freelance creative considering the Upwork, Freelancer, O-desk, etc. route. Don't do it! If you've read my blog post on Upwork and other related platforms then you know exactly how I feel about bidding sites. And I'm not all that eager to be too repetitive....
Why I won’t contribute to a publication for you. My backlink & affiliate policy
Why I won't contribute to a publication for you I'm not interested in writing for a publication on your behalf. No idea what I'm referring to? Here's an email that I get a lot from companies goes something like this: Hi Rosemary: My name is Jane Doe and I work for...
Set your rates with confidence
There are far too many writers being paid way less than they deserve. What's even sadder about that stat is that most of them don't necessarily have to settle for such low rates. A common mentality that a lot of writers have when they're first starting out is this...
Do you need a FAQ page?
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) pages are a great way to clear up any questions that visitors might have about your work. FAQ pages are best for are turning viewers into leads. No matter what, visitors will have questions, and this will help them decide if they...
What motivates me really?
I remember sitting in a restaurant last week with a friend of mine last week, the one we go to sometimes, to have pizza and drinks, and the "motivation" question came up. I'm also in the process of applying for my dream day job, that I want so badly (don't worry...
My take on the work/life balance
The Protestant work ethic is something that was definitely part of my upbringing. It's basically this idea that if you work hard, you will be handsomely rewarded. As I got older, I started to realize that it's only, kind of true. Sometimes people earn something...