Freelance and travel: How to do both
About 22% of the self-employed population works primarily from home, and the number of work from home, but not self-employed, workers has grown significantly since 2005. As a result, the idea of being able to work from anywhere in the world has also become a lot more...
Here’s what you can do about creative burn-out
According to a German study, 65% of freelancers have experienced burnout related symptoms, compared to 43% of traditional employees. In other words, burnout amongst creative freelancers is far too common. I remember my first experience with burn-out. In fact, I...
How to run a freelance business while going to school
Freelancing is popular with students because it's extremely flexible. However, non-freelancers often misunderstand what it means to have a lot of flexibility. Any freelancer that's worked with more than one client will tell you that there's a lot more to their work...
Why elevator pitches are important and how to create your own
If you're interested in, or currently sell a product or service you need a really good elevator pitch. But what the heck is an elevator pitch? There are a lot of different definitions out there, but Investopedia explains it best: (Elevator pitch) is a slang term used...
Tips for beginners on working with a blogger
Companies who blog receive 97% more links to their website. However, not everyone has the time, money, skills, or resources to blog on a regular basis, especially if you're my typical clientele! Busy business owners and marketing professionals often hire bloggers....
Four Things I learned from the Freelance to Freedom Project's Get Clients Fast Challenge
Last week I participated in the Get Clients Fast Challenge, and it was an incredibly eye-opening experience. The Get Client Fast Challenge is exactly what it sounds like, a five-day challenge, which was intended to attract the attention of new clients by the end of...
Stock photography best practices
Stock photography. If you've read a brochure, website, or any kind of marketing content that includes visuals then you've likely seen it before. However, there's way too much hate out there about stock photography and I totally get it! Here's an image that showed up...
My take on producing authentic content online
The gig economy's popularity is exploding and that's both a good thing and a bad thing. It's a good thing because I think remote work is pretty awesome, and I'm excited about its future. Yet, the growing popularity of the gig economy also puts a lot of pressure on...
How can creative entrepreneurs make friends with like minded people?
The one thing that's not talked about enough is the isolation aspect of freelancing. Unfortunately, the average work-from-home creative entrepreneur can go an entire day without talking to a single human being. For those of you, that have never given freelancing a...