It’s been a great couple of weeks at the office. Well not technically an office because I’m a freelancer and I work from home. Oh right, some people don’t like that word! This is why I use both terms interchangeably based on who I happen to be talking to.
There’s now a Jimmy’s Coffee around the corner from where I live. I’m a huge Jimmy’s fan so when it replaced the vintage clothing store where I bought my sunglasses it was a worthwhile compromise. It’s definitely one of the best coffee chains in Toronto. If you intend to stay in Toronto for any period of time, and you like coffee, go to Jimmy’s Coffee. They make the best lattes I’ve ever had. Their regular coffee is pretty good too. My boyfriend got me hooked, after we hung out, and I had my first Jimmy’s Coffee experience, while visiting the Kensington Market location. We’re both freelancers and it made the fact that we were both going through a slow period taste really good.
You might have heard the news about my new copywriting job at Kijiji via social media. Yesterday I signed my contract and I’ll be starting my work for them shortly. It’s also an independent contractor position so I’ll still get to enjoy the flexibility of the independent contractor life, while earning a competitive salary and copywriting multiple blog posts and articles for them per month.
Kijiji is the kind of client I love writing for. I love writing for clients that encourage people to be creative and innovative, in a broad sense of the word. This is also why writing for Befunky Inc has been such an amazing opportunity. I write blog posts for their blog where I get to teach people how to experiment with all of the cool features that their photo editing and design tools have to offer.
I’m currently enrolled in night school. The intro course for my program is extremely intense but when it’s over, and I take other, relevant courses I’m pretty sure I’ll be a better writer, and a better editor. That’s actually a good thing because that’s why I’m there, and that’s why going to class in the evening, every week is so important to me right now. Being a part-time student, while freelancing is an intense, exhausting experience but I’m convinced that it’s the right thing for me, right now.