by Rosemary Richings | Aug 20, 2015 | writer-2-writer
“Keep your sanity as a freelance writer” is popping up everywhere, because most writers seem to have something to say about it. Many of the posts I’ve written lately have been about coping rejection and bad days but I’m going to take those...
by Rosemary Richings | Aug 14, 2015 | writer-2-writer
It’s not always sunshine and rainbows, and it’s not exactly easy being a creative person, although you probably already knew that. Sometimes I have my bad days too so I figured it was time to share some of the great coping methods I’ve learned....
by Rosemary Richings | Aug 1, 2015 | writer-2-writer
Hello fellow writerly friends and happy August long weekend! In honour of the long weekend I bring you Rosemary’s activities for writers hit list. Looking to relax after meeting your pre-long weekend deadlines? Well you’ve come to the right place. This...
by Rosemary Richings | Jul 25, 2015 | writer-2-writer
The thing about us writers is we’re writers so everyone expects us to be neurotic, sensitive butterflies. Sure that’s pretty common but to pursue something, that involves willingly spend hours crafting something that comes from your veins, heart, and soul,...
by Rosemary Richings | Jul 17, 2015 | writer-2-writer
A year ago I wrote a personal essay called “Millennial Writing Life” that I didn’t intend to show anyone, because its only purpose was self- therapy, and making light of the weird and unpredictable world that was right in front of my face, after...
by Rosemary Richings | Jul 9, 2015 | writer-2-writer
Some of the websites I’ve written for lately have been profit sharing websites. Because the web is an evolving medium, some web providers have chosen the profit sharing model, in order to make paying their freelance writers both affordable and fair. In terms of...