The birthday reflection post

I don’t usually use Rosie Writing Space as a venue for my birthday nostalgia but that’s pretty much what today’s post is so bear with me readers. This year’s birthday seems like a big one because so much has happened, and there’s...

Post-Travel Reflection

It’s been a while. I know. It’s been two days since my early morning flight from Paris to home, which symbolized the end of my Euro journey. Throughout my journey there were so many people to meet, things to see, and places to go that the only time where I...

Getting Ready For France

Next weekend I’ll be on my way to Paris for a few days, including an overnight flight, with an early morning stopover in Ireland. I went to Paris, about ten years ago, and my experience was primarily touristy: (you know Eiffel tower, Moulin Rouge, etc.) it was...

WordPress Mess

I apologize for going a bit off topic in terms of my usual subject matter, but after I was struck by an alarmingly common wordpress glitch,  my posts disappearing, for no apparent reason, moments after I hit the “publish” button, I felt the need to draw...