by Rosemary Richings | Sep 6, 2016 | writer-2-writer
The one thing that’s not talked about enough is the isolation aspect of freelancing. Unfortunately, the average work-from-home creative entrepreneur can go an entire day without talking to a single human being. For those of you, that have never given freelancing...
by Rosemary Richings | Aug 23, 2016 | writer-2-writer
First of all, what is impostor syndrome? Impostor Syndrome, according to Forbes involves: Having to live with the nagging feeling of being “found out” as not being talented, or deserving, or experienced, or (fill-in-the-blank) as people think is a common...
by Rosemary Richings | Aug 16, 2016 | writer-2-writer
A while ago I wrote a guest blog post for Freelancer FAQs on how freelancers can be productive during slow periods. Although I offered a wide variety of tips that many of the readers found helpful, the one thing that I realize is that I didn’t talk about how...
by Rosemary Richings | Aug 9, 2016 | writer-2-writer
Are you a freelance creative considering the Upwork, Freelancer, O-desk, etc. route. Don’t do it! If you’ve read my blog post on Upwork and other related platforms then you know exactly how I feel about bidding sites. And I’m not all that eager to be...
by Rosemary Richings | Aug 2, 2016 | writer-2-writer
Why I won’t contribute to a publication for you I’m not interested in writing for a publication on your behalf. No idea what I’m referring to? Here’s an email that I get a lot from companies goes something like this: Hi Rosemary: My name...
by Rosemary Richings | Jul 26, 2016 | writer-2-writer
There are far too many writers being paid way less than they deserve. What’s even sadder about that stat is that most of them don’t necessarily have to settle for such low rates. A common mentality that a lot of writers have when they’re first...