Updates, October 2017

You may of noticed the lack of new content. It’s been a busy couple of months.The last couple of months have been a transformative journey where I went from being an aspiring writer to a freelance professional getting plenty of work. So, what’s new? The...

Updates and projects, June 2014

Dear readers,I know it’s been a while since I’ve written anything on this blog but I’ve been too busy slowing launching my writing career to have any time for writing for fun.  This post is all about updates. I’m proud to say that I’m...

To a dear friend audio

The following is a practice recording of a loosely spoken word style piece I wrote about a friend of mine and performed at the Smashmouth Lazy Daisy’s cafe open mic in the east end. I did an mp3 recording of it as practice and I wanted to share it. I called it...

Original noise audio project

Hello and welcome to my first blog entry as a wordpress and custom domain user. I’ve decided to start off my new material through posting unshared, old audio by yours truly. They’re a series of stories/poems that were compiled together as something I call...